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第 51-70 条, 共 280 条.


... if(A_TotalPosition()==0) { if(buycondition and GetGlobalVar(2) == 0) { SetGlobalVar(0,2); A_SendOrder(Enum_Buy,Enum_Entry,1,Q_AskPrice); SetGlobalVar(2,1); SetGlobalVar(1,CurrentTime...
hxh989898 发表时间: 2016-05-30 21:46 浏览 (2395) 回复 (4)


... 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 if(CrossOver(M,M[1])and c[1]>o[1]AND Open>=High[1]) { Buy(1,O); } If(CrossOver(M,M[1])and c[1]>o[1]AND High>=High[1]) { BuyToCover(0,High[1]); } If(CrossOver(M,M[1])AND C[1]>O[1]AND High>=High[1]) { Buy(1,H...
xkzr 发表时间: 2011-08-19 15:02 浏览 (4978) 回复 (14)


... { condition1 = Close[length3]Close[length1]; if (condition2 and A_SellPosition==A_BuyPosition and A_SellPosition>0 and A_GetOpenOrderCount()==0) { A_SendOrder(Enum_Sell,Enum_Exit,5,Q_BidPrice); SetGlobalVar(0,0); } if (condition1 and A_BuyPosition==A_SellPosition An...
bcsongby 发表时间: 2019-12-03 15:02 浏览 (1090) 回复 (7)


...c("long2",long2,0,Red); if(MarketPosition1&&short1[1] > short2[1] and short2[1] > media1[1] and media1[1] > media2[1] and media2[1] > long1[1] and long1[1] > long2[1]) { D1=1; } if(MarketPosition1&&short1[1] < short2[1] and short2[1] < media1[1] and media1[1] < media2[1] and med...
xiaokakaren 发表时间: 2015-12-08 10:40 浏览 (4503) 回复 (10)


...e-LowestValue,SlowLengthKD)*100; isBuying = (MACDValue < AvgMACD) And (oParCl oParCl) And (MTMValue=Close)and (oParCl[1] < oParCl) And (MTMValue>100) And (KValue>60); If(isBuying) { Buy(1,Close); } If(isSelling) { ...
ssj918918 发表时间: 2014-01-01 14:10 浏览 (6033) 回复 (2)


...tboLength(10); Numeric bolLength(20); Numeric callbolBandTrig(2.2); Numeric putbolBandTrig(1.8); Numeric atrLength(10); Numeric upconstt(2.8); Numeric downconstt(3); Numeric Lots(0); Vars NumericSeries buyPoint(0); ...
zhangzhi7788 发表时间: 2015-12-30 15:21 浏览 (2992) 回复 (5)


.../Close[NthCon(CrossOver(e,b),1)];//多头开仓 if(crossover(b,e) and MarketPosition!=1 and ktdfdata2.v and CurrentTime>=0.145955) { entryLots= (A_CurrentEquity *0.1)/(data1.C*ContractUnit*MarginRatio); entryLots ...
notherask 发表时间: 2013-04-25 21:55 浏览 (3261) 回复 (7)


PlotBool("sad", close < ama and close[1]30) and close < ama and close[1]
yd111070 发表时间: 2011-09-15 22:52 浏览 (2548) 回复 (5)

急!请nopain 老师帮助修改程序

...什么意思请老师讲解 }//开仓条件如下:if (ma1>ma2 and ma2>ma3){ If(rocvalueXb1 and MarketPosition1) buy(1,close);if(rocvalue>0 and rocvaluema3 and ma3>ma2){ If(rocvalueXb2 and MarketPosition1) Buy(1,close);if(rocvalue>0 and rocvaluema1 and ma1>ma3)......
qqboy1978 发表时间: 2009-09-22 23:20 浏览 (3576) 回复 (7)

bar 索引问题

...分形,如何实现啊,写了代码有点问题if(High[3]>high[4] and high[3]>high[5] and high[3]>high[2] and h[3]>h[1] and h[3]>Value2[1] )// and //and{myn1=h[3]; CurrentBar1=CurrentBar-2 ; PlotString("a",Text(CurrentBar1),h[3]+15,red,4); PlotString("myn1",Text(myn1),h[3]+5,...
cts2015deng 发表时间: 2016-03-08 10:13 浏览 (1425) 回复 (3)


...e[Length]*100;//不同均线排列的建仓如下: if (ma1>ma2 and ma2>ma3) { myEntryPrice=1; If(rocvalueXb1 and MarketPosition1) buy(1,close); if(rocvalue>0 and rocvaluema3 and ma3>ma2) { myEntryPrice=2; If(rocvalueXb2 and MarketPosition1) buy(1,close); ...
qqboy1978 发表时间: 2009-09-20 15:51 浏览 (4349) 回复 (6)


...)+(c[3]+o[3]))/2; VAR2=ABS(VAR1-VAR1[1])>=N; If(VAR1>VAR1[1] and var2 and MarketPosition1) buy (1,C); if(VAR1VAR1[1] and var2) BuyToCover(CurrentContracts(),c); if(VAR1
shensiwen 发表时间: 2010-03-18 10:23 浏览 (2339) 回复 (2)


.../Close[NthCon(CrossOver(e,b),1)];//多头开仓 if(crossover(b,e) and MarketPosition!=1 and ktdfdata2.v and CurrentTime>=0.145955) { entryLots= (A_CurrentEquity *0.1)/(data1.C*ContractUnit*MarginRatio); entryLots ...
notherask 发表时间: 2013-04-25 22:13 浏览 (1872) 回复 (0)


...2手多仓的情况?是什么原因导致的? 问题2:If(BKcond and TemB==0&&barstatus==2 && KC==True) //此处加上HasBK==0的限制条件,就一直不开仓了,去掉HasBK==0的限制就能正常开仓了,这是为何?错在哪里? 问题3:初始化全局变量if ( BarSt...
masterhdd 发表时间: 2018-05-02 16:05 浏览 (1460) 回复 (2)


...astBarTime = Time; TickCounter = 0; } If(MarketPosition 1 && bLongCond And CurrentTime-Time >= 0.000050) { If(MarketPosition == 0 || BarStatus != 2) { Buy(Qty,Close+PY*MinPoint); } Else { BuyToCover(Qty,Close+PY*MinPoint); If(TickCounter == 0) { TickCounter = 1; } Else If(TickCount...
guoer67533 发表时间: 2015-09-18 06:35 浏览 (1906) 回复 (1)


... 于 2018-10-20 22:10 编辑if(MarketPosition==0) { if(High>high[1] and high>junxian ) buy(2,max(open,high[1]));//junxian为均线; if(Lowhigh[1] and CurrentEntries2000 and abs(currentcontracts)==2 )Buy(2,open);//zdfy为最大浮盈; if(zdfy>4000 and abs(currentcont...
ad434005 发表时间: 2018-10-20 22:03 浏览 (2073) 回复 (5)


...); B5:=REF(L,5); B6:=REF(L,6); B7:=REF(L,7); B8:=REF(L,8); HF1:=A2>A1 AND A2>A AND A2>A3 AND A2>A4;HF2:=A3=A2 AND A2>A1 AND A2>A AND A2>A4 AND A2>A5;HF3:=A2=A4 AND A2>A1 AND A2>A AND A2>A3 AND A2>A5 AND A2>A6;HF4:=A4=A3 AND A3=A2 AND A2>A1 AND A2>A AND A2>A5 AND A2>A6;HF5:=A2=A4...
greedy 发表时间: 2011-02-12 01:12 浏览 (1765) 回复 (2)


比如10分钟周期: 1、请教连续两个阳线的写法是否这样? Close[1]-Open[1]>0 And Close[2]-Open[2]>0 有无简单的写法? 2、连续两个阳线在同一天如何写法? 是否:Date==Date[1] And Date[1]==Date[2] 有无简单的写法? 谢谢!
tsdaquan 发表时间: 2011-07-02 14:46 浏览 (3418) 回复 (6)


...始化全局变量 IF( A>B)开多仓信号 { if(GetGlobarvar(0)=0 and GetGlobarvar(1)=0) \\无持仓 { Buy(Lots,Open); 开多一手 setGlobalvar(0,1); } else if (GetGlobarvar(0)=0 and GetGlobarvar(1)=1) 空仓持仓 { ...
xiaosong 发表时间: 2013-07-20 22:25 浏览 (1723) 回复 (0)


...低价低于前一根阴线-2平仓,用的是Else If(Close[1] < Open[1] and Low < LOW[1]-2),但因为LOW是不断变化的,所以感觉价可会有闪烁,有没有什么函数能够表达同样的意思,但不会有价格闪烁问题呢。另外,由于设置了Close[1] < Open[1] AND Clos...
13972206620 发表时间: 2019-03-30 21:35 浏览 (750) 回复 (1)